Mechanical Tsar
Mechanical Tsar is an engine for running a highly customizable hosted crowdsourcing platform controlling the entire annotation process including such elements as task allocation, worker ranking and result aggregation. Read the About page for details and the TODO page for research ideas.
Happy Users
The engine is successfully used by several research projects:
- Yet Another RussNet, a large open WordNet-like thesaurus for Russian through crowdsourcing, founded in 2013
- RUSSE, the first international workshop on Russian semantic similarity evaluation, founded in 2014
Please note us if you want to be mentioned on this page.

Latest News
- Project Halted
- Mechanical Tsar at the BRICS Young Scientist Forum
- Boyarin Activity Tracking
- Updatable Stages
- API Break: Stages Path
Other news are available on the Posts page. Also, we have an RSS feed.
Get Started
The simplest way to start using Mechanical Tsar is pulling our Docker image. Just consult our Running on Docker guide to get started. It is also possible to deploy the engine on Heroku, on systemd and on a regular Linux box.
More documentation is available in English on GitHub Wiki and on NLPub in Russian.
If you publish work that uses Mechanical Tsar, please cite it as follows.
- Ustalov, D.: A Crowdsourcing Engine for Mechanized Labor. Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming, Vol. 27(3), 351–364 (2015)
author = {Ustalov, Dmitry},
title = {{A Crowdsourcing Engine for Mechanized Labor}},
journal = {Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming},
pages = {351--364},
volume = {27},
number = {3},
year = {2015},
address = {Moscow, Russia},
publisher = {ISP RAS},
issn = {2220-6426},
doi = {10.15514/ISPRAS-2015-27(3)-25},
language = {english},